Modern Transport Solutions, LLC
                    Meeting Today's Challenges with Tomorrow's Solutions

Entire Text(PDF)

Transportation Planning: A Decision-Oriented Approach

Chapter 1

Urban Transportation Planning: Definition and Context

Chapter 2

Transportation Planning
and Decision Making

Chapter 3

Urban Travel & Transportation System Characteristics

Chapter 4

Data Management and
Use In Decision Making

Chapter 5

Demand Analysis

Chapter 6

Urban Activity
System Analysis

Chapter 7


Chapter 8

Transportation System
and Project Evaluation

Chapter 9

Funding and Finance

Transportation Planning: A Decision-Oriented Approach is a unique transportation textbook that builds on a culmination of 80+ years of combined experience in transportation planning of the authors. The book is the brain child of Drs. Michael D. Meyer and Eric Miller who together have studied transportation systems and participated in numerous transportation studies and research projects. The book generally focuses on transportation planning and investment decisions. The perspective on multimodal transportation planning leads to chapters on transportation evaluation, transportation land use, transportation finance and funding, freight transportation planning, public involvement and engagement, citizen participation, transportation safety planning, transportation systems operations, transportation demand modeling, pedestrian and bicycle planning, transit planning, statewide planning, corridor planning, metropolitan planning, transportation and evaluation, transportation asset management, road and highway planning, travel demand management, and transportation site planning. Some of the key concepts found in the book include sustainable transportation, transportation and economic development, connected vehicles and transportation planning, autonomous vehicles and transportation planning, and transportation performance measures.
MTS staff has worked with federal, state, regional and local agencies on a variety of projects, ranging from statewide transportation planning to site plans.  In addition, we have worked with transportation carriers (trucking and rail) and port authorities, focusing on transportation-related issues that affect their performance.  Our team has provided transit agencies with plans and policies aimed at enhancing their services, and conducted organizational development studies of transportation agencies to enhance their productivity and effectiveness.  We view each client as an important opportunity to provide collaborative and creative solutions to the transportation challenges facing our communities.  Given the research background of our key staff, these solutions are often at the forefront of professional practice, utilizing the most up-to-date analysis tools and visualization tools for conveying information.  We emphasize the importance of effective communications, both with our clients and with their constituencies.  Our philosophy is that the best solution to a problem is not a solution until it is implemented….and this usually means effective and credible communications.
Please enjoy Transportation Planning: A Decision-Oriented Approach. It is our hope that the book will help you define your Transportation Vision for a better connected world, and will consider the importance of Transportation Planning in developing a sustainable community.